AACJ — Your First Choice for Criminal Law Seminars
January 31, 2025
Arizona Attorneys for Criminal Justice (AACJ) invites you to our upcoming event in January, focusing on Complex Litigation. This event will feature expert-led presentations exploring the challenges and strategies involved in handling intricate legal cases. Attendees will gain valuable insights into the various facets of complex litigation, equipping themselves with the knowledge and tools needed to navigate these demanding cases. Whether you're looking to deepen your expertise or stay ahead in the field, this event offers an excellent opportunity for professional development and networking with fellow attorneys.
October 18, 2024
Need to book a hotel room at the Hassayampa Inn? Call 928-778-9434 and ask for the AACJ group rate! #314397
May 3, 2024
Arizona’s largest DUI seminar has become a staple for attorneys throughout the state. This year we will have a respected lineup of presenters to help practitioners for all experience levels. There will be vendors to interact with, a sponsored lunch as well as a hosted happy hour Friday evening.
January 26, 2024
This course is for defense attorneys and staff only, no prosecutors, no reporters and no students. By registering, I avow that I am engaged only in the defense of criminal cases, and I agree to maintain the confidentiality of all materials and information provided during the conference.
May 12, 2023
Any firm or public defenders offices sending 4 registrants gets an additional free registration (buy 4 get 1 free). *Contact us at defense@aacj.org for larger group registration discounts.
January 27, 2023
August 26, 2022
Craig Rosenstein is sponsoring a CLE based on the two new bills that AACJ was instrumental in getting signed into law this session. One is entirely related to interlock and the other has significant interlock ramifications. Our own Steve Scharboneau actually did the heavy lifting and authored both of them. This CLE is a must for anyone practicing DUI defense in AZ. The law changes are significant and somewhat complicated.
May 6, 2022
AACJ is proud to present the...33nd Annual Aggressive Defense of the Accused Impaired Driver Friday, May 6 and Saturday, May 7, 2022 Westward Look Wyndham Grand Resort & Spa 245 E. Ina Road, Tucson, Arizona 85704
January 28, 2022
January 14, 2021
August 7, 2020
To Register, Click the following link. https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_m6zvJxY8S
July 24, 2020
To Register click the following link: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_LS8BG9G6S1SFudK8LxfG0g Members: Free Non-Members $20
February 28, 2020
Arizona Attorneys for Criminal Justice’s 2020 Winter Seminar CSI: ARIZONA Friday, February 28, 2020 Maricopa County Security Building, Ballroom, 234 N. Central Avenue, Phoenix
February 21, 2020
AACJ & ROSENSTEIN LAW GROUP PRESENTS: "Quick on the Draw: DUI Defenses Based on the Blood Draw"
October 18, 2019
AACJ 2019 FALL SEMINAR Hassayampa Inn, Prescott Friday, October 18 & Saturday, October 19, 2019
June 28, 2019
May 3, 2019
January 24, 2019
January 18, 2019
Arizona Attorneys for Criminal Justice’s 2019 Winter Seminar CSI: ARIZONA Friday, January 18, 2019, 9:00 am – 4:30 pm Maricopa County Security Building, 234 N. Central Avenue, Phoenix
October 19, 2018
AACJ 2018 FALL SEMINAR Hassayampa Inn, Prescott Friday, October 19 & Saturday, October 20, 2018
June 29, 2018
Arizona Attorneys for Criminal Justice LAST MINUTE ETHICS If you have waited too long, it's not too late. Come join us for your last opportunity to get your ethics hours. Email Max Bessler at defense@aacj.org to register; be sure to include the location where you wish to attend. Deadline is Friday, June 22 at 5:00 pm. WHEN: June 29, 2018 1:30 P.M. - 4:45 P.M.
May 4, 2018
AACJ is proud to present the... 31th Annual Aggressive Defense of the Accused Impaired Driver DATES AND TIMES: Friday, May 4 and Saturday, May 5, 2018
January 19, 2018
Arizona Attorneys for Criminal Justice’s 2018 Winter Seminar CSI: ARIZONA Friday, January 19, 2018, 9:00 am – 4:30 pm Wells Fargo Downtown Phoenix Conference Center, 100 West Washington, 85003
November 30, 2017
8:30 am – 11:45 am Choose your track: ETHICS TRACK (3 hours CLE with 3 hours CLE-Ethics) Ethics in the Pursuit of Systematic Change for Justice, Monica Reid, NACDL The Siren Call of Celebrity: Nurmi and Martinez, Karen Clark Understanding Hitch and Other Ethical Issues in Criminal Defense, James Belanger, Ashley Adams or MARIJUANA TRACK (3 hours CLE with 1 hour CLE-Ethics) Immigration Consequences of Marijuana Convictions, Ray Maldonado, Juan Rocha Medical Marijuana after the Election and Dobson, Jocquese Blackwell, Sarah Mayhew Marijuana Metabolites and Carboxy, Rhonda Neff , James Palestini 11:45 am – 1:00 pm AACJ Annual Awards Luncheon (lunch provided) 1:15 pm – 4:30 pm Arizona and US Supreme Court Case Law Year in Review (3 hours CLE) Rewriting of the Criminal Rules, Amy Kalman, David Euchner, Timothy Eckstein Case Law Year in Review, Mikel Steinfeld, Kaitlin Perkins, Randy McDonald, Keith Hilzendeger, Cynthia Beck
October 13, 2017
AACJ 2017 FALL SEMINAR Hassayampa Inn, Prescott Friday, October 13 & Saturday, October 14, 2017 Friday 8:00 a.m. Registration Begins / Continental Breakfast 9:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. Presentations Saturday 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 Presentations 12:30 Adjourn Check out our great course offerings….. Forensic Cell Phone Extractions, Kathy Enriquez (USA Forensic) Updates from the Front Lines, From the ACLU John Oliver Brief to the Next Legislative Battleground, Marilyn Rodriguez, Kathy Brody ETHICS: Ghob! The Ethics of Star Trek, Amy Kalman, Mikel Steinfeld Everything You Know about Immigration Law Today May Be So Yesterday Tomorrow, Margarita Silva Latest Developments in Defending Sex Crimes, Jerald Schreck, ETHICS: The Rules of Ethics: The Constitution, Lawyers, and The White House, Robert McWhirter Navigating the Ever-Changing Maze of Arizona’s Marijuana Laws, Sarah Mayhew, Jocquese Blackwell Criminal Justice Issues Across the State, APDA Directors The Secret Sauce of Master Storytelling: How To Use "The Hero's Journey" Story Model To Win at Trial & Sentencing, Doug Passon Criminal Law Rules Update, Jeremy Mussman, David Euchner ETHICS: The State Bar Disciplinary Process and Criminal Defense Attorneys, Karen Clark
June 30, 2017
Arizona Attorneys for Criminal Justice LAST MINUTE ETHICS FREE! Three (3) hours of last minute ethics for AACJ members, Public Defenders and City of Phoenix CAA's. Only $10 for everyone else! If you have waited too long, it's not too late. Come join us for your last opportunity to get your ethics hours. Email Max Bessler at defense@aacj.org to register; be sure to include the location where you wish to attend. Deadline is Friday, June 23 at 5:00 pm. WHEN: June 30, 2017 (Friday) 1:30 P.M. - 4:45 P.M. COST: $10 (FREE for AACJ members, Public Defenders and City of Phoenix CAAs). Non-members can pay at the door.
May 5, 2017
ACJ is proud to present the... 30th Annual Aggressive Defense of the Accused Impaired Driver Registration is Open! Total CLE Hours: 11.5, which includes 1 hour of Professional Responsibility (Ethics). The seminar will bring you up to date on the key developments on DUI defense. Seminar Co Chairs: Stephen Paul Barnard Michael J. Bloom
January 27, 2017
October 14, 2016
In honor of our 30th Anniversary, we are taking the AACJ seminar back to it's long-time location in Prescott, Arizona! The program will include Fourth Amendment topics critical to your defense practice presented by some of the legends of Arizona Criminal Defense who you will have the opportunity to network with, as well as all of your AACJ colleagues at our legends happy hour. This is a seminar you do not want to miss!
June 30, 2016
Last Minute Ethics on TV & at the Movies with AACJ! Attendees will watch a slideshow of TV and movie clips and discuss the ethical implications for the lawyers involved in the clips. FREE for AACJ members & non members in counties throughout the state in honor of AACJ's 30th Anniversary!
May 6, 2016
AACJ is proud to present the... 29th Annual Aggressive Defense of the Accused Impaired Driver Total CLE Hours: 10.25, which includes 1 hour of Professional Ethics. The seminar will bring you up to date on the key developments on DUI defense. Seminar Co Chairs: Stephen Paul Barnard Michael J. Bloom
January 29, 2016
Total CLE Hours: 10.75, which includes 3 hours of Professional Responsibility. Learn how to use technology, and how it is used against you, from experts including: Jennifer Granick, Director of Civil Liberties Stanford Center for Internet and Society: Challenging Search Warrants for Computer and Other Electronic Media Hanni Fakhoury, Federal Public Defender: Stingrays and Phone Location Tracking Lonnie Dworkin: Attacking Cell Phone Evidence Michelle Metzger: Lessons on Going Viral Josh Dratel: Silk Road Donald Bertsch: Wiretap 101 Also featuring a “Techshow” including mini-training sessions on: Mac Lawyer, Justware, Casemap, Outlook, Mailchimp, OneNote, Clio, Cloud Storage Included in registration: Seminar Materials, Continental Breakfast & Lunch both days, Refreshments, Cash Bar Reception, Hospitality Suite. Laptop power strips will be provided in meeting room. Free wi-fi is available in hotel lobby but not in meeting room.